frequently asked questions (FAQ)

is Controlz.jl well-tested?

many tests are all here. run the tests by using Controlz, Pkg; Pkg.test("Controlz"). that said, this package is not tested enough such that it can be used to design engineering control systems. Controlz.jl is for educational purposes only at this point.

is Conrolz.jl free to use?

yes, Controlz.jl is free and open. see the associated MIT license here. the source code is on Github here.

I'm completely new to Julia and don't know where to start.

Julia is a free and open-source, high-performance, dynamic programming language designed especially for numerical computing. see here for resources on learning Julia. I recommend the interactive Pluto Notebook as an interactive development environment for Julia.

I found a bug.

please post an issue here.

may I contribute to the package?

absolutely! especially for fixing bugs, making documentation clearer, providing examples, etc.

as for new features or significant changes, please post an issue with your plan for a pull request first so I can approve.