Data paths

PorousMaterials.jl is built on Xtals.jl. All bindings are re-exported. As such, the global variable dictionary rc is part of the PorousMaterials namespace. This is where data such as atomic masses and covalent radii are stored.

# output
KeySet for a Dict{Symbol, Any} with 7 entries. Keys:

rc[:paths] gives a listing of the read/write paths for various kinds of information. By default, rc[:paths][:data] will be set to ./data based on the present working directory when the module is imported. All the other paths are set relative to rc[:paths][:data]:

# output
KeySet for a Dict{Symbol, String} with 6 entries. Keys:

So, for example, if PorousMaterials is loaded in /my_project, then rc[:paths][:data] will by default be /my_project/data and the other paths will be subdirectories, e.g. /my_project/data/simulations.

To move the root of the data tree and change all the paths together, use set_paths:

# now rc[:paths][:data] is "other_project/data"
# rc[:paths][:crystals] is "other_project/data/crystals"
# etc.