
PorousMaterials.jl maintains a data structure Crystal that stores information about a crystal structure file.

reading in a crystal structure file

Currently, the crystal structure file reader accepts .cif and .cssr file formats. PorousMaterials.jl looks for the crystal structure files in rc[:paths][:crystals] which is by default ./data/crystals. By typing rc[:paths][:crystals] = "my_crystal_dir", PorousMaterials.jl now looks for the crystal structure file in my_crystal_dir. The files can be read as:

xtal = Crystal("SBMOF-1.cif")       # The crystal reader stores the information in xtal                           # The name of the crystal structure file                            # The unit cell information
xtal.atoms                          # The atom coordinates (in fractional space) and the atom identities
xtal.charges                        # The charge magnitude and coordinates (in fractional space)
xtal.bonds                          # Bonding information in the structure. By default this is an empty graph,
                                    #  but use `read_bonds_from_file=true` argument in `Crystal` to read from crystal structure file
xtal.symmetry                       # Symmetry information of the crystal. By default converts the symmetry to P1 symmetry.
                                    #  Use `convert_to_p1=false` argument in `Crystal` to keep original symmetry

fixing atom species

Often, the atoms species are appended by numbers. This messes with the internal workings of PorousMaterials.jl. To circumvent this problem, the function strip_numbers_from_atom_labels!(xtal) removes the appending numbers. It is important to use this function prior to GCMC or Henry coefficient calculations.


converting the coordinates to cartesian space

The coordinates of the crystals are stored in fractional coordinates. If one needs to analyze the cartesian coordinates of the crystal, that can be done by using the unit cell information of the crystal.

xtal.atoms.coords.xf                                    # array of fractional coordinates
cart_coords = * xtal.atoms.coords.xf    # array of cartesian coordinates
# output
3×120 Matrix{Float64}:
 4.59487  -0.95272   2.68943   8.23701  …  8.8164    0.839249  -1.53211
 1.43955   4.2229    4.12715   1.3438      1.35443   1.42892    4.21227
 5.89964   5.35922  16.6181   17.1585      6.27862  17.5375    16.2391

creating a super cell

For many simulations, one needs to replicate the unit cell multiple times to create a bigger super cell.

super_xtal = replicate(xtal, (2,2,2))       # Replicates the original unit cell once in each dimension
# output
Name: SBMOF-1.cif
Bravais unit cell of a crystal.
	Unit cell angles α = 90.000000 deg. β = 100.897000 deg. γ = 90.000000 deg.
	Unit cell dimensions a = 23.238600 Å. b = 11.133400 Å, c = 45.862400 Å
	Volume of unit cell: 11651.776815 ų

	# atoms = 960
	# charges = 960
	chemical formula: Dict(:H => 8, :S => 1, :Ca => 1, :O => 6, :C => 14)
	space Group: P1
	symmetry Operations:
		'x, y, z'

finding other properties

rho = crystal_density(xtal)         # Crystal density of the crystal in kg/m^2
mw = molecular_weight(xtal)         # The molecular weight of the unit cell in amu
formula = chemical_formula(xtal)    # The irreducible chemical formula of the crystal

assigning new charges

If the crystal structure file does not contains partial charges, we provide methods to assign new charges to the crystal

species_to_charges = Dict(:Ca => 2.0, :C => 1.0, :H => -1.0)                # This method assigns a static charge to atom species
charged_xtal = assign_charges(xtal, species_to_charges, 1e-5)                # This function creates a new charged `Crystal` object.
                                                                            #   The function checks for charge neutrality with a tolerance of 1e-5
new_charges = Charges([2.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ...], xtal.atoms.coords)
other_charged_xtal = Crystal(,, xtal.atoms,               # Here we create a new `Charges` object using an array of new charges.
                             new_charges, xtal.bonds, xtal.symmetry)        #   The number of charges in the array has to be equal to the number of atoms
                                                                            #   and finally a new `Crystal` object is manually created

writing crystal files

We provide methods to write both .xyz and .cif files

write_cif(xtal, "my_new_cif_file.cif")      # Stored in the current directory
write_xyz(xtal, "")      # stored in the current directory

detailed docs

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for Crystal. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for SymmetryInfo. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for replicate. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for molecular_weight. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for crystal_density. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for chemical_formula. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for assign_charges. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for write_cif. Check Documenter's build log for details.


writexyz(box, molecules, xyzfile)

Writes the coordinates of all atoms in molecules to the given xyz_file file object passing a file object around is faster for simulation because it can be opened once at the beginning of the simulation and closed at the end.

This writes the coordinates of the molecules in cartesian coordinates, so the box is needed for the conversion.


  • box::Box: The box the molecules are in, to convert molecule positions to cartesian coordinates
  • molecules::Array{Molecule{Frac}, 1}: The array of molecules to be written to the file
  • xyz_file::IOStream: The open 'write' file stream the data will be saved to