Demo of Henry coefficients Calculation#

Compute the Henry coefficient of CO2 in CAXVII_clean (Fe2(dobdc)) at 298 K using the Dreiding force field:

using PorousMaterials

# read in xtal structure file and populate a Framework data structure
framework = Framework("CAXVII_clean.cif")                                               

# read in Lennard-Jones force field parameters and populate a LJForceField data structure
forcefield = LJForceField("Dreiding.csv", cutoffradius=12.5)                                  

# read in a molecule format file and populate a Molecule data structure
molecule = Molecule("CO2")                                                              

temperature = 298.0 # K

# conduct Widom insertions and compute Henry coefficient, heat of adsorption
results = henry_coefficient(framework, molecule, temperature, forcefield, insertions_per_volume=200)

# ... prints stuff
# results automatically saved to .jld load later in one line of code

# returns dictionary for easy querying
results["Qst (kJ/mol)"] # -21.0
results["henry coefficient [mol/(kg-Pa)]"] # 2.88e-05

The simulation is parallelized across a maximum of 5 cores.

Demo of Grand-canonical Monte Carlo Simulations#

Simulate the adsorption of CO2 in FIQCEN_clean_min_charges (CuBTC) at 298 K at 1 bar using the Universal Force Field:

using PorousMaterials

# read in xtal structure file and populate a Framework data structure
framework = Framework("FIQCEN_clean_min_charges.cif")
# remove annoying numbers from atom labels

# read in Lennard-Jones force field parameters and populate a LJForceField data structure
forcefield = LJForceField("UFF.csv", cutoffradius=12.8)

# read in a molecule format file and populate a Molecule data structure
molecule = Molecule("CO2")

temperature = 298.0 # K
pressure = 1.0 # bar

# conduct grand-canonical Monte Carlo simulation
results, molecules = gcmc_simulation(framework, molecule, temperature, pressure, forcefield,
            n_burn_cycles=5000, n_sample_cycles=5000)

# ... prints stuff
# results automatically saved to .jld load later in one line of code

# returns dictionary for easy querying
results["⟨N⟩ (molecules/unit cell)"]
results["Q_st (K)"]

Or, compute the entire adsorption isotherm at once, parallelized across many cores:

pressures = [0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] # bar

# loop over all pressures and compute entire adsorption isotherm in parallel
results = adsorption_isotherm(framework, molecule, temperature, pressures, forcefield,
            n_burn_cycles=5000, n_sample_cycles=5000)

Or, compute the adsorption isotherm in a step-wise manner, loading the molecules from the previous simulation to save on burn cycles:

# loop over all pressures and run GCMC simulations in series.
# load in the configurations of the molecules from the previous pressure.
results = stepwise_adsorption_isotherm(framework, molecule, temperature, pressures, forcefield,
            n_burn_cycles=1000, n_sample_cycles=5000)

Henry Coefficient Calculations#

# PorousMaterials.henry_coefficientFunction.

result = henry_coefficient(framework, molecule, temperature, ljforcefield,
                            nb_insertions=1e6, verbose=true, ewald_precision=1e-6,

Conduct particle insertions to compute the Henry coefficient Kₕ of a molecule in a framework. Also, for free, the heat of adsorption and ensemble average energy of adsorption is computed. The Henry coefficient is a model for adsorption at infinite dilution (low coverage): ⟨N⟩ = Kₕ P, where P is pressure and Kₕ is the Henry coefficient.

Kₕ = β ⟨e^{-β U}⟩, where the average is over positions and orientations of the molecule in the framework.


average, per unit cell volume (ų)

the replication factors in reciprocal space.

and start the simulation from that point.



# PorousMaterials.henry_result_savenameFunction.

save_name = henry_result_savename(framework, molecule, temperature,
                               ljforcefield, insertions_per_volume;

Determine the name of files saved while calculating the henry coefficient. It uses many pieces of information from the simulation to ensure the file name accurately describes what it holds.



Grand-Canonical Monte Carlo Simulations#

# PorousMaterials.gcmc_simulationFunction.

results, molecules = gcmc_simulation(framework, molecule, temperature, pressure,
                                     ljforcefield; n_sample_cycles=5000,
                                     n_burn_cycles=5000, sample_frequency=1,
                                     verbose=false, molecules=Molecule[],
                                     eos=:ideal, ewald_precision=1e-6,
                                     show_progress_bar=false, checkpoint=Dict(),
                                     write_checkpoints=false, checkpoint_frequency=100,

Runs a grand-canonical (μVT) Monte Carlo simulation of the adsorption of a molecule in a framework at a particular temperature and pressure using a Lennard Jones force field.

A cycle is defined as max(20, number of adsorbates currently in the system) Markov chain proposals. Current Markov chain moves implemented are particle insertion/deletion and translation.


Note that we assume these coordinates are Cartesian, i.e. corresponding to a unit box.

is ideal gas, where fugacity = pressure.


# PorousMaterials.adsorption_isothermFunction.

results = adsorption_isotherm(framework, molecule, temperature, pressures,
                              ljforcefield; n_sample_cycles=5000,
                              n_burn_cycles=5000, sample_frequency=1,
                              verbose=true, ewald_precision=1e-6, eos=:ideal, 
                              load_checkpoint_file=false, checkpoint=Dict(), 
                              write_checkpoints=false, checkpoint_frequency=50,
                              filename_comment="", show_progress_bar=false)

Run a set of grand-canonical (μVT) Monte Carlo simulations in parallel. Arguments are the same as gcmc_simulation, as this is the function run in parallel behind the scenes. The only exception is that we pass an array of pressures. To give Julia access to multiple cores, run your script as julia -p 4 mysim.jl to allocate e.g. four cores. See Parallel Computing.


# PorousMaterials.stepwise_adsorption_isothermFunction.

results = stepwise_adsorption_isotherm(framework, molecule, temperature, pressures,
                              ljforcefield; n_sample_cycles=5000,
                              n_burn_cycles=5000, sample_frequency=1,
                              verbose=true, ewald_precision=1e-6, eos=:ideal,
                              load_checkpoint_file=false, checkpoint=Dict(),
                              write_checkpoints=false, checkpoint_frequency=50,
                              filename_comment="", show_progress_bar=false)

Run a set of grand-canonical (μVT) Monte Carlo simulations in series. Arguments are the same as gcmc_simulation, as this is the function run behind the scenes. An exception is that we pass an array of pressures. The adsorption isotherm is computed step- wise, where the ending configuration from the previous simulation (array of molecules) is passed into the next simulation as a starting point. The ordering of pressures is honored. By giving each simulation a good starting point, (if the next pressure does not differ significantly from the previous pressure), we can reduce the number of burn cycles required to reach equilibrium in the Monte Carlo simulation. Also see adsorption_isotherm which runs the μVT simulation at each pressure in parallel.


# PorousMaterials.gcmc_result_savenameFunction.

file_save_name = gcmc_result_savename(framework_name, molecule_species,
                                    ljforcefield_name, temperature, pressure,
                                    n_burn_cycles, n_sample_cycles; comment="",

Determine the name of files saved during the GCMC simulation, be molecule positions or results. It uses many pieces of information from the simulation to ensure the file name accurately describes what it holds.

