cory simon


associate professor.
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering. UC Berkeley.

hails from a small town in Ohio. learned the ropes of scientific research at the University of Akron, Virginia Tech, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, University of British Columbia, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences. interned in industry at Bridgestone Research (chemical engineering) and Stitch Fix (data science). summer faculty research fellow at the Naval Information Warfare Center.

lives with his girlfriend, Christina, near the research forest, for long walks with his Samoyeds, Oslo and Mochi. digs hiking/backpacking, snowboarding, wine, films, and Starcraft.

e: Cory.Simon [at]
t: @CoryMSimon
o: Kelley Engineering Center 2045