Chemical Bonding

Chemical bonding interactions are represented in the bonds attribute of a Crystal as a graph where the nodes of the graph correspond to the crystal's atoms.

Bonding Rules

Xtals uses an array of BondingRule structs stored at rc for deciding if two atoms are an appropriate distance to be chemically bonded. The default rules are based on the Cordero covalent radii, modified based on the work of Thomas Manz. Each BondingRule is composed of two chemical species symbols and a floating point value, the maximum distance for inferring a bond between the indicated species.

BondingRule(:C, :C, 1.77)

The global bonding rules are accessible at rc[:bonding_rules] and may be augmented with add_bonding_rules or written to/read from disk with write_bonding_rules and read_bonding_rules. The default rules are determined from rc[:covalent_radii] at module load, but are not recalculated upon changes to the covalent radii. If rc[:covalent_radii] is altered and new bonding rules should be calculated, the user must do rc[:bonding_rules] = bondingrules().

Adding Bonds to Crystals

By default, bonding information is not added to a Crystal. Use infer_bonds! or infer_geometry_based_bonds to automatically infer plausible bonds using the global bonding rules, or another specified set of rules. remove_bonds! clears the bonding information from a Crystal.

Bonds may also be inferred at the time of loading crystal data, using the infer_bonds keyword argument. See Crystal for more details.

Bonds from Input File

Some chemical information formats, like .cif and .mol, can store not only the cartesian coordinates of atoms, but also the graph of bonds between atoms in molecules and crystals. The read_bonds_from_file keyword argument for Crystal enables loading these bonds when reading the data. read_mol also returns bond information.

Detailed Docs

bonding_rule = BondingRule(:Ca, :O, 2.0)
bonding_rules = [BondingRule(:H, :*, 1.2),
                 BondingRule(:*, :*, 1.9)]

A rule for determining if two atoms within a crystal are bonded.


  • species_i::Symbol: One of the atoms types for this bond rule
  • species_j::Symbol: The other atom type for this bond rule
  • max_dist: The maximum distance between the atoms for bonding to occur

Adds bonding_rules to the beginning of the global bonding rules list


  • bonding_rules::Array{BondingRule} : the array of bonding rules to add

Reads a CSV file of bonding rules and returns a BondingRule array.


  • filename::String : name of file in data directory containing bonding rules


rules::Array{BondingRule} : the bonding rules read from file


Writes bonding rules to a CSV file that can be loaded with read_bonding_rules


  • filename::String : The name of the output file
  • bonding_rules::Array{BondingRule} : (Optional) The rules to write to file. If not specified, the global rules are written.
infer_bonds!(crystal, include_bonds_across_periodic_boundaries, bonding_rules=nothing)

Populate the bonds in the crystal object based on the bonding rules. If a pair doesn't have a suitable rule then they will not be considered bonded.

:* is considered a wildcard and can be substituted for any species. It is a good idea to include a bonding rule between two :* to allow any atoms to bond as long as they are close enough.

The bonding rules are hierarchical, i.e. the first bonding rule takes precedence over the latter ones.


  • crystal::Crystal: The crystal that bonds will be added to
  • include_bonds_across_periodic_boundaries::Bool: Whether to check across the periodic boundary when calculating bonds
  • bonding_rules::Union{Array{BondingRule, 1}, Nothing}=nothing: The array of bonding rules that will be used to fill the bonding information. They are applied in the order that they appear. if nothing, default bonding rules will be applied; see get_bonding_rules
infer_geometry_based_bonds!(crystal, include_bonds_across_periodic_boundaries::Bool)

Infers bonds by first finding which atoms share a Voronoi face, and then bond the atoms if the distance between them is less than the sum of the covalent radius of the two atoms (plus a tolerance).


  • crystal::Crystal: The crystal structure
  • include_bonds_across_periodic_boundaries::Bool: Whether to check across the periodic boundaries
  • r::Float: voronoi radius, Å
  • pad::Float: amount to pad covalent radii, Å
  • covalent_radii::Dict{Symbol,Float64}: See covalent_radii
write_bond_information(crystal, filename)
write_bond_information(crystal, center_at_origin=false)
write_bond_information(xtal, filename, :cross_boundary => p -> p, "bonds.vtk") # cross boundary bonds only
write_bond_information(xtal, filename, :distance => d -> d < 1.0, "bonds.vtk") # distance less than 1.0

Writes the bond information from a crystal to the selected filename.


  • crystal::Crystal: The crystal to have its bonds written to a vtk file
  • filename::String: The filename the bond information will be saved to. If left out, will default to crystal name.
  • center_at_origin::Bool: (optional) center the coordinates at the origin of the crystal
  • bond_filter::Pair{Symbol, Function}: (optional) a key-value pair of an edge attribute and a predicate function. Bonds with attributes that cause the predicate to return false are excluded from writing.
atoms, bonds = read_mol("molecule.mol")

read a .mol file, which contains info about both atoms and bonds. see here for the anatomy of a .mol file.


  • filename::AbstractString: the path to and filename of the .mol file (must pass extension)


  • atoms::Atoms{Cart}: the set of atoms read from the .mol file.
  • bonds::MetaGraph: the bonding graph of the atoms read from the .mol file.
  • bond_types::Array{Int, 1}: the array of bond types.